What Is Turf-Type Tall Fescue?

You deserve to have a house with a beautiful, vibrant and healthy yard. OrganicLawns provides local lawn fertilization services that transform your yard into a luscious carpet of deep green grass.

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Your lawn is the perfect spot for lush greenery to flourish. What’s better than turf-type tall fescue grass as the centerpiece of your yard? Maryland homeowners love tall fescue grass seed for its deep color, climate versatility and simple upkeep.

Turf-type tall fescue is a fine, bunch-type grass known for its ability to grow in warm or cool weather. Both versatile and low-maintenance, tall fescue is a strong base for healthy plants and will remain green all year.

Our tall fescue grass seed will brighten up your yard. At OrganicLawns, we give homeowners like you peace of mind as we help take care of your lawn.

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Tall Fescue Characteristics and Things to Know

Tall fescue grass began in Europe as a pasture seed. Today, it’s perfect for homes that need durable grass. Sowing this seed is a great first step to a healthy lawn, and we’ll help you determine if tall fescue is right for your home.

Here are a few characteristics that make turf-type tall fescue a great addition to your yard:

  • Stunning look: This grass has a deep, dark green color that makes your lawn stand out in any season. Its fine-leafed, lush appearance is an OrganicLawns favorite for Maryland homes.
  • Weather versatility: Maryland experiences the highs and lows of the southeastern climate, and tall fescue grass holds up all year. This seed needs adequate sun exposure but can thrive in cooler weather or on shadier days in fall or spring.
  • Heat and drought resistance: Tall fescue grass seed has a high tolerance to weather extremes and can thrive in hotter climates. In lower rainfall periods, your lawn can stay fresh and green because of this grass’s durability.
  • Deep roots: Fescue grass seed will grow from 2 to 3 feet deep, so you can have a tough, weather-resistant lawn with low maintenance. Tall fescue grows 1 foot deeper than other cool-season grass and soaks up necessary underground moisture.
  • Bunch growth: You can enjoy a clean lawn with tall fescue grass because it grows in bunches and avoids thatching problems. You’ll have fewer pests and little upkeep because of its growth type.

Turf-type tall fescue is a strong choice for an evergreen lawn. Maryland is in the transition climate zone, which makes tall fescue the perfect cool-season grass for your home.  

Mowing, Seeding and Proper Care

Appropriate lawn maintenance can be a big part of your grass seed decision. Turf-type tall fescue comes with its own care instructions that will help it grow. 

At OrganicLawns, we want to make sure your grass is healthy and happy. Our care recommendations for tall fescue will differ based on your area, season and climate. Here are three basic maintenance steps for this grass: 

  1. Seeding: Tall fescue grass grows best when seeded in September or October. Seeding in early fall allows the 7- to 21-day tall fescue germination time to happen before frost, which is enough time for deep roots to form. Deep roots give tall fescue its climate-resistant properties. Some homeowners also choose to overseed existing lawns in midspring.
  2. Mowing: Once your grass grows, you can maintain its height at a 2- to 3-inch maximum. Mowing often will keep tall fescue healthy, and you can increase its height over the summer for deeper roots and better irrigation.
  3. Watering: Depending on the season, turf-type tall fescue likes 1 inch of water every week. You can change your watering schedule based on local weather so your grass will thrive in any season.

Many homeowners love tall fescue grass seed because it’s low-maintenance and straightforward. After seeding, mowing and watering, you may have other questions about your lawn. OrganicLawns can always provide additional care.

Is Fescue Right for Your Lawn?

The type of grass you choose will determine how your lawn looks, basic maintenance requirements and seasonal durability. Turf-type tall fescue excels in all three categories. Homeowners like this grass because it prevents common yard problems and grows beautifully.

Fescue grass seed has a 90% germination rate, so you can enjoy healthy grass stress-free. With deeper roots and higher tolerance, your fescue grass is at low risk of dryness, disease or pests. If you want green grass to complete your property during hot summers and cool winters, choose turf-type tall fescue.

Begin Your Lawn Seeding With OrganicLawns

OrganicLawns want to help you grow a healthy environment and give every Maryland homeowner a beautiful yard. We insist on eco-friendly and pet-friendly organic materials so you and your family can enjoy a happy lawn.

We offer a pay-as-you-go system so you can experience high-quality lawn care without the burden of a contract. With free quality control visits, we’ll make sure your grass is performing well so you can love how your yard looks and feels. 

To get started with OrganicLawns, you can schedule a free estimate online or call us at (410) 995-9722 today.

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