What Is Kentucky Bluegrass Turf?

You deserve to have a house with a beautiful, vibrant and healthy yard. OrganicLawns provides local lawn fertilization services that transform your yard into a luscious carpet of deep green grass.

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Although it’s neither from Kentucky nor blue, Kentucky bluegrass lives up to its reputation as a reliable lawn cover. In the 17th and 18th centuries, homesteaders brought this grass seed from Europe to Kentucky to grow strong pastures for their animals. Farmers named the seed bluegrass for its seed heads that grows at heights of 2 to 3 and that look blue in certain light.

Midwest and northeast homeowners still love this seed because it’s perfect for lawns that need cool-season grass. Often compared to tall fescue, Kentucky grass can thrive in cool winters and warm summers. Maryland residents enjoy bright, hydrated lawns all year with Kentucky bluegrass seed.

As one of the most cold-hardy lawn grasses in the country, bluegrass is a favorite for areas in Maryland that get both northern and southern weather. At OrganicLawns, we’ll help you get started with a Kentucky bluegrass sod. Here are a few things to know from our expert team before you decide.

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Important Considerations for Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky bluegrass is easy to find on many American lawns. This seed grows in Climate Zones 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, so Maryland residents are no stranger to this type of grass.

This lawngrass is an excellent option for many homes, and we want to give you the information to get started. Here are a few Kentucky bluegrass characteristics to keep in mind:

  • Winter-hardiness: Bluegrass is cold-hardy, so it tolerates cool weather better than most. For homeowners with cold falls and winters, Kentucky bluegrass will maintain a bright look year-round. 
  • Slower germination: While growing Kentucky bluegrass seeds requires patience, the result is a thick turf that’s soft to the touch.
  • Rhizome growth: This grass seed self-spreads and creates rhizomes, which makes it easier to repair from damage. With little maintenance, you can have a healthy lawn every season. 

Watering and Treatment Schedule

For the best growth and upkeep, Kentucky bluegrass sod needs a specific level of care to keep it happy. Learn more about its treatment schedule with these four steps:

  1. Plant in early fall: Late August to early October is the best time to seed bluegrass. This period gives the grass enough time to develop roots before the fall frost and thrive in colder weather.
  2. Fertilize to maintain color: We can fertilize Kentucky bluegrass seed over the summer to preserve its striking blue-green color or in the spring after overseeding an existing lawn. 
  3. Change mowing each season: Your grass’s height should change with each season’s climate. For most of the year, bluegrass can stay around 2 to 2 1/2 inches. During summer, you can increase your mow height to 3 to 4 inches.
  4. Water deeply: Bluegrass’s shallow roots need deep irrigation to grow. A general rule of thumb is 1 inch of water per week. In the summer, you can add more to prevent dryness. In the winter, you should water every two weeks. 

Proper lawn maintenance will make all the difference in how your grass looks and feels. Our team at OrganicLawns can create a healthy yard that hosts your backyard BBQs, kids’ birthday parties or pet’s outside playtime.

Bluegrass vs. Fescue

Kentucky bluegrass is similar to turf-type tall fescue, another popular cool-season grass. The differences between these seeds may determine which option you prefer, so here are three pros and cons of bluegrass vs. fescue.

  • Shallow root system: Bluegrass has shallower roots than tall fescue, so it is more susceptible to drought if you live in an area with hotter summers. Most people choose either option for its cold tolerance, so it depends on your warm climate needs.
  • Rhizome structure: Kentucky bluegrass needs more sunlight, water and fertilizer than fescue because of its different rhizomes. However, bluegrass can repair itself better, so you won’t have to worry about damaging it. 
  • Germination speed: Tall fescue germinates quicker and grows faster than bluegrass seeds. Their growth difference will only affect the time you plant your seeds, so you can still expect healthy, happy grass with the proper schedule. 

While bluegrass and fescue can grow in the same zones, their unique characteristics may make your decision easier. Sometimes homeowners will use a grass seed blend if they want fescue’s heat tolerance and bluegrass’s cold-hardiness. 

Our Maryland Lawn Seeding and Care Services

At OrganicLawns, we want to help you grow and maintain the best yard possible. When we arrive for a service estimate, we test your soil’s pH and work with you to choose a zero-weed seed that will complement your home.

With eco-friendly and pet-friendly materials, we support your property’s needs and make your lawn a space everyone can enjoy. You can also use pay-as-you-go services and request free quality control visits when you partner with us. 

To begin your Kentucky bluegrass project, you can schedule a free estimate online or call our expert team at (410) 995-9722. 

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